Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Memories: The Dreaded “S” Word

I was never spanked growing up. I remember threats being thrown about, but they were always playful. My dad would often tease me by saying things like, “Uh oh, looks like someone needs a spanking!” I'm sure my reaction of blushing furiously and quickly changing the subject was overlooked by him. I never had the desire to be spanked by my parents. In fact, the thought of that happening was mortifying to me. Maybe because I had such a strong, obsessive interest in it, and I was afraid they would see that in me if ever if were to happen.

My first memory of my fascination with spanking is when I was three years old. I was playing with my dolls in my bedroom, and I flipped one over on its stomach, spanking the plastic bottom sharply. I did this often when playing by myself, and only once did I get caught. My dad, peering into my room and catching me in the act, chuckled as he said, “Were they being naughty?” I was embarrassed, and very careful about such play from then on.

I always opted to play the naughty child in the games of“house” with the neighbor's kids in hopes of getting my bottom smacked once or twice, and I would watch with widened eyes whenever a spanking reference was made on TV. And of course, the small dictionary I kept in my side table drawer would automatically open to the page containing the word “spank”. Yes, I still remember: to slap on the buttocks with a flat object or with the open hand, as for punishment. :)

My friends who got spanked at home may have found it a bit strange when I would probe for detailed descriptions of each punishment. I would listen carefully and get a small thrill every time I heard that “s” word, though I was always hesitant to say it myself. I thought, on some level, they would hear me say the word and know that it carried much more significance to me. I was a paranoid little kid. :) This is all before my family got their first computer and I found the magic that could come from typing that word into a search engine. . .

To be continued!


  1. Wow, where did you find that picture? Great story too.

  2. Thanks! It came from an article on Spanking Wiki.

  3. Wow, this looks like it's going to be a great blog. Being a 100% spanko from as far back as I remember, I can relate to all this, except I was spanked but had no dolls to spank. ;) Maybe that's why I like to be the spanker.

    Thanks, Sophie. I'm looking forward to future posts here.

  4. Thanks, Brett! Yes, spanking my dolls is really the only experience as a Spanker I've ever had. And I'm fine with keeping it at that. :-)

  5. Sophie well if your dolls were naughty you had to spank them lol yes i have been spanko about the same age you were characters spanked in comic papers by parents and teachers otk ,love and spanks ,tim xxx

  6. I love that you wrote about this! I've never read such a great description of that embarrassed, wriggly, paranoia that other people will know our interest in spanking is different just from hearing us say the word. I'd forgotten some of that :D

    I spanked my dolls too. And my friends. And got friends to spank me. I really liked playing "House" for that reason. Haha, I've NEVER admitted that to anyone except myself. Okay, I'll shut up now. *grin*

  7. Wow, I remember when I was a kid I had an elementary school dictionary in my bedroom and would sometimes re-read the definition of "spank" (a sharp blow with an open hand or other object, usually across the buttocks, given as a form of punishment, especially to children. [The nurse spanked the naughty child].) I had completely forgotten about that until you said you did the exact same thing! Maybe I'm not as strange as I think!
