Monday, January 31, 2011

A Pig Flies By While Sophie Updates!

I am alive and well, and I've missed you all. :-)

A few things that have happened since I last updated:

*I moved

*I started a new job

*I went on a weekend trip to a cabin in Indiana with some awesome spanko friends. (Ella's account here).

*I shot with RS a couple of times, which is always a good time.

*Last but not least. . . I was “discovered” by my older sister and brother-in-law a few weeks ago. Since I've kept this part of my life a secret from all of my family, this took A LOT of getting used to for all three of us.

Thankfully, she has been very supportive and understanding about the whole thing. I don't think she plans to regularly read my blog, but if she does. . . Thanks, sis, for being so accepting and realizing that I'm still me, just a little more unique. That shouldn't be much of a surprise, anyway. :-)

Honestly, it is a little bit of a relief for someone close to me to be to be “in the know.” It would probably make me feel better to hear stories from any of you who have had a similar outing experience. That is, if any of you are still stopping by!

Between starting a new and challenging job and the above mentioned experience, I've separated myself a bit from the online kink world more than I would like. I truly do miss being more active here, but I can't make any promises until I get further settled into things. For now, I wanted to quickly update and reaffirm my appreciation for any readers. I'm slowly catching up on some emails, as well.

I'm still here and craving a spanking. . . Imagine that. :-D


  1. Sophie, so good to have you back in the blogosphere! The scene needs you, and really likes you too. And with good reason! You are a real treasure.

  2. Sophie, you've been missed, for sure. Wow... what a crazy couple of months for you. Moving, a new job and being outed are all big things on their own, and to experience all three is mind-boggling. Regarding the latter... I'm sorry for the awkwardness and stress, but it does sound like your sister is being very cool about it.

    And as for craving a spanking...I have no doubt that Danny is happy to oblige. ;-)

  3. Danny: Aw, thanks, Mister. :-)

    Erica: It has been a crazy few months, that's for sure! Thanks for commenting, I know you must still be recovering from your recent adventure (so excited for you!).

    I s'pose I could possibly convince Danny to help me out, if I tried realllly hard.

  4. I got a lot of value out of this post. First it caught me up on what you've been doing, then I read Ella's account of your trip (is there a reason you traveled to Indiana in the winter?), that led me to the Camp Slappahoe video on Spanking Tube (and while I was there I watched a few other clips), then your reply to Erica's comment made me wonder what Erica's recent adventure was, so I read several posts on her blog to find out.

    I'm glad to hear you found a job so quickly, and that it's challenging -- challenging is better than boring, as long as challenging is not code for "this is driving me insane."

    Can you tell us how your sister discovered you? One of the advantages (I've been told by models) of being, specifically, a spanking model is that your images are less likely to get passed around by vanilla horny people, and eventually find their way to someone who knows you. Vanilla porn is unavoidable, but with spanking porn if someone sees it, you can reasonably ask "What were YOU doing there?" So, what WAS she doing there?

    I've never been outed (yet) as an adult, despite probably having taken some reckless chances. I was outed as a teen to my mother, though I'm not sure she ever realized (or let herself understand) what was going on (but she definitely knew it was something weird). That was in the Top 5 of the emotionally traumatic events of my life, and the aftermath was that I tried to deny my spanko nature for a while, and failed, and the two of us basically swept it under the rug -- acted as if it had never happened.

    In your case, your sister can become (if she's willing) your buffer or ally with the rest of the family. If your parents get too close to something and you have to be evasive, you can give your sister "the look" and she'll help you out; "Oh, mom, dad, Sophie's a big girl now, if she wants some privacy she's entitled."

    I'm glad your new job and the outing haven't combined to make you decide to stop modeling, as they well could have. If the day comes you do have to make that decision, it'll be a shame for your fans, but you have to do what's best for yourself -- even if it means only getting spanked when there are no cameras around.

    Thanks for the update.


  5. Great to hear you're doing well, Sophie, and with lots of exciting progress in your life.

    I've never been "outed", but I live in a safe place at the very back of the closet. :) I don't think having my siblings know would be bad, but if they were reading my blog, it might inhibit my output.

    Good luck getting settled and with your new job.


  6. Wow, you have been a busy girl! We have missed you, but understand how blogging has to take a back seat at times. Glad you're doing well... your weekend sounds like a great time... and interesting news about being found out.

    be good and hugs,
    Todd and Suzy

  7. Welcome back to the land of the spankos. Sounds like you've been busy indeed. I'm glad your sister and BIL have been supportive in their new found knowledge.

    And I suspect you'll find someone to satisfy that craving. If not, come on out to California...I know a guy. ;-)

  8. Michael-

    I love it when people get a lot out of my posts! Thanks for helping me to see the positive side of my outing ordeal.

    I do wish my sister had been looking at spanking websites because of a similar interest, but it wasn't so. I let her check her email on my computer, being very careful to delete all browser history, and she took it upon herself to open my picture folder out of curiosity. I hadn't been so careful to delete some of those pics, and one of them was labeled with my scene name. . .

    Anyway, thanks for the comment!


    I definitely felt more uncomfortable posting on my blog with the knowledge that my sister could now read everything. I decided to let that go, though. Really, I have nothing to hide now!

    Todd and Suzy-

    Thanks for stopping by! I miss talking with both of you and hope you are doing well.


    Tempting! But until we can both meet up at another spanking party (I really want to sign up for another one soon) I guess I'll have to be content with what's close by. ;-)

  9. "I let her check her email on my computer, ... and she took it upon herself to open my picture folder out of curiosity."

    So, this was a combination of "no good deed ever goes unpunished" and (borrowing a phrase from Mickey Rourke's character in 9-1/2 Weeks), a "nosy parker." I'm sure in that situation, when I first realized what she'd seen, my reaction would have been a panicky "Aaaaaak!" But I'd LIKE to think I could work up some righteous indignation. "Do you want to look through the drawer of my nightstand? How about under the bed?" Jeez, sis, see if she ever does YOU a favor again.

    In her defense, of course, it probably never occurred to her that her sweet, innocent sister could possibly have anything to hide, and she was merely wondering if you had any family photos she would like a copy of. I hope she learned something from this.


  10. BTW the title of the post is very cute; I should have mentioned that one of the first two comments. Not merely the idea but also the specific way you worded it -- I actually have a mental image of a pig flying behind you as you type. I wonder if hell also froze over (it might, this winter) and wishes became horses.


  11. "I do wish my sister had been looking at spanking websites because of a similar interest, but it wasn't so. I let her check her email on my computer, being very careful to delete all browser history, and she took it upon herself to open my picture folder out of curiosity."

    I wonder, if it had been the other way round, and you were checking your email on your sister's computer, would you have felt entitled to explore her picture folder...?

    I hope you sister turns out to share your interest, because she certainly deserves some chastisement.


  12. Sophie nice to have you back again i saw your vids on Real spankings you were well spanked hope you will do more ,your sis was naughty ,love and spanks ,tim xx

  13. Sophie,
    I'm a 47 year old male spanko from Northeast Pennsylvania and I'm fairly new to the Spanking Community. I discovered you when I saw the interview that Danny did with you when he stood in for Richard Windsor.
    Congratulations on your new job! I'm sorry to hear that you have been outed as a spanko. Even though I'm 47 I worry from time to time on it happening to me. I have never spoken to anyone (not even to my closest friends) about my Spanko life. However, I think my best friend is a little suspicious. I attended my first spanking party in New York City this past December and I asked my best friend if I could leave my car at his place for a couple days and if he could give me a lift to the bus station. Normally when I go to NYC it's only for a day trip but this time it was an overnighter. He asked what I was going for. Since I'm an advanced amateur photograper I told him I was going to a party for photographers but he asked why I wasn't taking my camera? I gave him some excuse which passed the test. I'm going to another party there next week so I'm getting a little nervous. I don't know if being outed as a spanko is easier for a woman or a man or are equally as difficult? I would love to hear from you about what it is like to be outed and how to handle such a situation? Is it better to open up to a close friend? I would love to hear your thoughts.
    Take care and Happy St.Patricks Day!
    Tim S.

  14. Sophie, I do hope you shoot with Clare Fonda this year. She is rumored to be go to the Shadowlane party.

  15. hope you are well Sophie ,love and spanks from tim xx

  16. I miss you, Sophie. I hope that you can find time to update soon. Please don't quit right in the beginning of your fascinationg journey.

  17. Sophie ,Merry Christmas from Tim in uk.xx
