Friday, August 20, 2010


I have some exciting news. Danny Chrighton and I recently bought a new camera and some studio lights, and we've been having fun recording some hard spankings. So much fun that we have decided to open our own Clips4Sale store. :-)

This is something I have wanted to do for a long time. While both of us really enjoy filming for other companies, it isn't quite the same as getting to create our own scenarios and
sharing a glimpse into one of our favorite activities. The clips we have made so far are great quality, shot from several angles with some storyline, but mostly hard and very real spanking. So far, no stories have been fabricated, we're just showing two genuine spankos doing That Thing We Do. I really hope people will enjoy watching them as much as we enjoy making them! I would love to hear feedback as well as any suggestions for future scenes.

So, without further ado. . . here is Spanking Sophie Gray


  1. This looks very exciting, Sophie.

    I'm already enjoying the irony of you getting a spanking for getting a sunburn. :) Then the one for not practicing your guitar. I can so relate to that one because I used to have a few students myself years ago. Oh, if only...

    I'll check your clips out. Thanks.

  2. We're going to have so much fun with our C4S stuff... hopefully two shoots a week. We're going to do future shoots in HD, now that we have some file format and editing issues sorted out.

  3. Does Mr. M know about this?

  4. Brett-
    Thanks, I hope you enjoy, we'll be adding more soon. :-) And yes, spanking on a sunburn hurts exponentially worse!


    Yes, I believe he does. Why do you ask?
